"maximum_high's" tradelist overview for "Premiere WB95" | openCards

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"maximum_high's" tradelist overview for "Premiere WB95"

    You see the tradelist for "Premiere WB95" form openCards member "maximum_high" here. Hint: You will see only those card here, where "maximum_high" has already editied "Haves" and/or "Wants" in his or her collection. So, if you miss a card form this expansion or special set here, it's because "maximum_high" has no corresponding trade cards edited in his or her collection on openCards. Please keep also in mind: a user may mark a card multiple times for "Haves" or/and "Wants" - this could be a explanation for high numbers of "Haves" and/or "Wants" for a single card.

    "maximum_high's" tradelist for "Premiere WB95":

    InfoNameRarityType# Haves# Wants
    ST1E 1 R 2 (WB95)Horga'hnRareArtifact10
    ST1E 1 R 3 (WB95)Interphase GeneratorRareArtifact20
    ST1E 1 R 6 (WB95)Time Travel PodRareArtifact10
    ST1E 1 R 8 (WB95)Varon-T DisruptorRareArtifact10
    ST1E 1 R 9 (WB95)Vulcan Stone of GolRareArtifact10
    ST1E 1 R 31 (WB95)Ktarian GameRareDilemma10
    ST1E 1 R 37 (WB95)NagilumRareDilemma10
    ST1E 1 R 81 (WB95)Lore's FingernailRareEvent10
    ST1E 1 R 169 (WB95)Investigate RaidRareMission10
    ST1E 1 R 170 (WB95)Investigate Rogue CometRareMission20
    ST1E 1 R 177 (WB95)New ContactRareMission10
    ST1E 1 R 189 (WB95)Study NebulaRareMission20
    ST1E 1 R 200 (WB95)Federation icon Beverly CrusherRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 204 (WB95)Federation icon DataRarePersonnel50
    ST1E 1 R 206 (WB95)Federation icon Dr. La ForgeRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 215 (WB95)Federation icon Jean-Luc PicardRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 224 (WB95)Federation icon Morgan BatesonRarePersonnel20
    ST1E 1 R 226 (WB95)Federation icon Neela DarenRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 232 (WB95)Federation icon Ro LarenRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 234 (WB95)Federation icon SatelkRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 242 (WB95)Federation icon Tam ElbrunRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 243 (WB95)Federation icon Tasha YarRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 245 (WB95)Federation icon Thomas RikerRarePersonnel20
    ST1E 1 R 248 (WB95)Federation icon VashRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 249 (WB95)Federation icon Wesley CrusherRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 250 (WB95)Federation icon William T. RikerRarePersonnel30
    ST1E 1 R 251 (WB95)Federation icon WorfRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 254 (WB95)Klingon icon B'EtorRarePersonnel50
    ST1E 1 R 261 (WB95)Klingon icon GowronRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 277 (WB95)Klingon icon KurnRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 280 (WB95)Klingon icon LursaRarePersonnel20
    ST1E 1 R 302 (WB95)Non-Aligned icon Roga DanarRarePersonnel20
    ST1E 1 R 304 (WB95)Romulan icon Alidar JarokRarePersonnel20
    ST1E 1 R 317 (WB95)Romulan icon SelaRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 327 (WB95)Romulan icon TomalakRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 329 (WB95)Romulan icon TorethRarePersonnel10
    ST1E 1 R 334 (WB95)Federation icon U.S.S. EnterpriseRareShip20
    ST1E 1 R 345 (WB95)Klingon icon I.K.C. BurukRareShip20
    ST1E 1 R 358 (WB95)Romulan icon DevorasRareShip10
    ST1E 1 R 359 (WB95)Romulan icon HaakonaRareShip20
    ST1E 1 R 361 (WB95)Romulan icon PiRareShip20

    Within this selection you can generate PDF files about the Tradelists ("Haves" and "Wants") of openCards user "maximum_high". Simply click on one of the following links and the automatically generated PDF list will open (only condition: you must have an PDF reader on you local computer).

    maximum_high's Tradelist: haves & wants
    maximum_high's: haves only
    maximum_high's: wants only
    maximum_high's: Star Trek First Edition haves & wants
    maximum_high's: Star Trek First Edition haves only
    maximum_high's: Star Trek First Edition wants only
    maximum_high's: Premiere WB95 haves & wants
    maximum_high's: Premiere WB95 haves only
    maximum_high's: Premiere WB95 wants only