Welcome to openCards!
openCards - the free and independent community for traiding card games. See latest articles on openCards and joins us now to become a part of our community!
Our mission
As registered user you have the possibility to publish your Tradelists for all supported games here on openCards. With the Tradefinder we will search trade possibilities over all users for you - even comprehensive over all games. Actual there are 225.987 cards in total listed here for you! So, have fun while surfing the openCards Tradeplace ...
Write your own articles
openCards offers you the chance to write an publish your own articles around tradings card games. Start with your own Decks or Tournament-Reports and explore then our other article types like Interviews, Card-Reviews or Strategy-Notes. All you have to do is to register yourself on openCards.
All about your favorite game(s)
openCards is the resource of information about the supportes games. In particular for Star Trek First & Second Edition we collect different information on openCards since several years (even form partner websites) and offer them here. So we support you with optimised serach function e.g. for Decks and Strategie-Notes, thereby you find information you are locking for easily and quickly.
A special highlight inside this area you find under ST1E- and ST2E-Referenzen, with a lot of references between the different cards of a game - especially a useful support while building Decks.