"Frathag's" tradelist overview for "Battle of Helms Deep" | openCards

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"Frathag's" tradelist overview for "Battle of Helms Deep"

    You see the tradelist for "Battle of Helms Deep" form openCards member "Frathag" here. Hint: You will see only those card here, where "Frathag" has already editied "Haves" and/or "Wants" in his or her collection. So, if you miss a card form this expansion or special set here, it's because "Frathag" has no corresponding trade cards edited in his or her collection on openCards. Please keep also in mind: a user may mark a card multiple times for "Haves" or/and "Wants" - this could be a explanation for high numbers of "Haves" and/or "Wants" for a single card.

    "Frathag's" tradelist for "Battle of Helms Deep":

    InfoNameRarityType# Haves# Wants
    LotR 5 U 9Dwarven icon More to My LikingUncommonCondition10
    LotR 5 U 10Elven icon Balglin, Elven WarriorUncommonCompanion10
    LotR 5 U 23Gollum icon Follow SméagolUncommonCondition10
    LotR 5 R 29Gollum icon Sméagol, SlinkerRareCompanion20
    LotR 5 R 41Gondor icon These Are My PeopleRareEvent10
    LotR 5 R 46Isengard icon Berserk SavageRareMinion10
    LotR 5 R 49Isengard icon Devilry of OrthancRareCondition10
    LotR 5 R 51Isengard icon Gríma, Chief CounselorRareMinion20
    LotR 5 C 53Isengard icon Isengard RiderCommonMinion10
    LotR 5 R 56Isengard icon Saruman, Master of Foul FolkRareMinion10
    LotR 5 R 69Isengard icon Wolves of IsengardRareCondition30
    LotR 5 R 70Raider icon Army of HaradrimRareMinion10
    LotR 5 U 80Rohan icon Arrow-slitsUncommonCondition03
    LotR 5 R 84Rohan icon I Am HereRareEvent10
    LotR 5 R 89Rohan icon Rohirrim HelmRarePossession10
    LotR 5 R 94Rohan icon Thundering HostRareCondition01
    LotR 5 R 102Sauron icon MorannonRareCondition10
    LotR 5 R 113Shire icon No Use That WayRareEvent10
    LotR 5 R 123Dwarven icon Baruk KhazâdRareEvent10
    LotR 5 R 125Isengard icon Foul HordeRareMinion20

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    Frathag's: Battle of Helms Deep haves & wants
    Frathag's: Battle of Helms Deep haves only
    Frathag's: Battle of Helms Deep wants only