"Deirdre1212's" tradelist overview for "The Two Towers" | openCards

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"Deirdre1212's" tradelist overview for "The Two Towers"

    You see the tradelist for "The Two Towers" form openCards member "Deirdre1212" here. Hint: You will see only those card here, where "Deirdre1212" has already editied "Haves" and/or "Wants" in his or her collection. So, if you miss a card form this expansion or special set here, it's because "Deirdre1212" has no corresponding trade cards edited in his or her collection on openCards. Please keep also in mind: a user may mark a card multiple times for "Haves" or/and "Wants" - this could be a explanation for high numbers of "Haves" and/or "Wants" for a single card.

    "Deirdre1212's" tradelist for "The Two Towers":

    InfoNameRarityType# Haves# Wants
    LotR 4 C 2 The One Ring, The Ruling RingCommonThe One Ring350
    LotR 4 C 3Dunland icon AngerCommonEvent100
    LotR 4 C 4Dunland icon Band of Wild MenCommonMinion330
    LotR 4 C 5Dunland icon Burn Every VillageCommonEvent80
    LotR 4 C 7Dunland icon Dark FuryCommonEvent260
    LotR 4 U 8Dunland icon Death to the StrawheadsUncommonEvent200
    LotR 4 U 9Dunland icon Dunlending ArsonistUncommonMinion30
    LotR 4 C 10Dunland icon Dunlending BrigandCommonMinion330
    LotR 4 U 11Dunland icon Dunlending LooterUncommonMinion50
    LotR 4 C 12Dunland icon Dunlending MadmanCommonMinion350
    LotR 4 U 13Dunland icon Dunlending PillagerUncommonMinion280
    LotR 4 C 14Dunland icon Dunlending RansackerCommonMinion120
    LotR 4 C 15Dunland icon Dunlending RavagerCommonMinion130
    LotR 4 C 16Dunland icon Dunlending RobberCommonMinion340
    LotR 4 C 17Dunland icon Dunlending SavageCommonMinion310
    LotR 4 C 18Dunland icon Dunlending WarriorCommonMinion100
    LotR 4 C 21Dunland icon Hillman BandCommonMinion100
    LotR 4 U 24Dunland icon Hillman RabbleUncommonMinion10
    LotR 4 C 25Dunland icon Hillman TribeCommonMinion110
    LotR 4 C 26Dunland icon Iron AxeCommonPossession320
    LotR 4 U 27Dunland icon Living Off RockUncommonCondition50
    LotR 4 U 28Dunland icon No DefenseUncommonCondition20
    LotR 4 U 31Dunland icon Over the IsenUncommonCondition40
    LotR 4 U 34Dunland icon Secret FolkUncommonCondition50
    LotR 4 U 36Dunland icon War ClubUncommonPossession40
    LotR 4 C 37Dunland icon War Cry of DunlandCommonEvent80
    LotR 4 U 38Dunland icon Wild Man of DunlandUncommonMinion40
    LotR 4 C 42Dwarven icon Best CompanyCommonEvent220
    LotR 4 U 43Dwarven icon Come Here LadUncommonEvent60
    LotR 4 C 44Dwarven icon Courtesy of My HallCommonCondition110
    LotR 4 U 47Dwarven icon From the ArmoryUncommonCondition30

    Within this selection you can generate PDF files about the Tradelists ("Haves" and "Wants") of openCards user "Deirdre1212". Simply click on one of the following links and the automatically generated PDF list will open (only condition: you must have an PDF reader on you local computer).

    Deirdre1212's Tradelist: haves & wants
    Deirdre1212's: haves only
    Deirdre1212's: wants only
    Deirdre1212's: Lord of the Rings haves & wants
    Deirdre1212's: Lord of the Rings haves only
    Deirdre1212's: Lord of the Rings wants only
    Deirdre1212's: The Two Towers haves & wants
    Deirdre1212's: The Two Towers haves only
    Deirdre1212's: The Two Towers wants only