Welcome to openCards!
openCards is the first independent and interactive web portal for trading card games. As first gaming systems openCards’ support have started with Deciphers Star Trek First and Second Customizable Card Game. In cooperation with German Star Trek websites trekcc.org, stccg-turnier.de, decipher-games.org and stccgfaq.com openCards presents everything connected with Deciphers first and second editions of the Star Trek CCG. Since then Lord of The Rings and Fight Klub have follewed - and even more games are planned for the next years...
The portal’s core is the interactive community, which allows openCards members to have access to all gaming news and information, while being able to participate actively in the creation, design and update of the community. In a simple manner members can e.g. put their decks or articles on cards, strategies or tournaments online to discuss them with other users of openCards. TD’s e.g. can announce tournaments via the portal and use it afterwards for the administration of electronic players’ registration to these tournaments. These services will be supplied without charge for users after a quick registration at the portal.
With openCards a new era for the online communities of trading card games will begin. For the first time players and collectors will have access to an independent platform for all themes concerning their games - and they can actively participate themselves.
Ulf Benjes
Webmaster openCards
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