Non-aligned headquarter | openCards

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Non-Aligned iconNon-aligned headquarter

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Non-aligned related Strategy-Notes:

No related Strategy-Notes archieved on openCards until now.

Non-aligned related Card-Reviews:

TitleCard typeAuthorRelated event
Curator QuarrenPersonnelby MidnightLich (published on oC by Telak at Apr, 2018)no statement
The 24 (or so) People You'll Meet in the Nekrit Expanse (Karyn Berlin)Personnelby MidnightLich (published on oC by Telak at Nov, 2017)no statement
Known Throughout the Galaxy as the Alien’s Graveyard (Escape Gulag)Missionby Paddy Tye (published on oC by Telak at Mar, 2017)no statement
The Right of Mankind (Dr. Cochrane)Personnelby anonymous person (published on oC by Telak at Nov, 2016)no statement
I Spit My Last Breath at Thee! (Vanquish Enemy)Missionby Khan (published on oC by Telak at Sep, 2016)no statement
Son'a ObservatoryFacilityby Dukat (published on oC by Telak at Apr, 2011)no statement
Cyrus RedblockPersonnelby KlimDokachin at May 13th, 2010no statement
The AlbinoPersonnelby Evan Lorentz (published on oC by KaiserK at Nov, 2009)no statement
JovisShipby Allen Gould (published on oC by KaiserK at Nov, 2009)no statement
MornPersonnelby Allen Gould (published on oC by KaiserK at Nov, 2009)no statement
KrozhPersonnelby Allen Gould (published on oC by KaiserK at Nov, 2009)no statement
Kasidy YatesPersonnelby Neil Kirby (published on oC by KaiserK at Nov, 2009)no statement
HagathPersonnelby Evan Lorentz (published on oC by KaiserK at Nov, 2009)no statement
CalandraPersonnelby Allen Gould (published on oC by KaiserK at Nov, 2009)no statement
ArandisPersonnelby Todd Soper (published on oC by KaiserK at Nov, 2009)no statement
AluuraPersonnelby Allen Gould (published on oC by KaiserK at Nov, 2009)no statement
Tulaberry Wine NegotiationsMissionby Neil Kirby (published on oC by KaiserK at Nov, 2009)no statement
Market ResearchMissionby Kathy McCracken (published on oC by KaiserK at Nov, 2009)no statement
Dr. FarekPersonnelby Dukat at Jan 27th, 2009no statement
GemPersonnelby Dukat at Jan 6th, 2009no statement
Dixon HillPersonnelby paulhanselluk at Jun 10th, 2008no statement
The Pendari ChampionPersonnelby Sean O'Reilly (published on oC by Dyluk at May, 2008)no statement
The Pendari ChampionPersonnelby Kim and Allen Gould (published on oC by Dyluk at May, 2008)no statement
Dr. NeriaPersonnelby Chris Heard (published on oC by Dyluk at May, 2008)no statement
Martus MazurPersonnelby Kathy McCracken (published on oC by Dyluk at Apr, 2008)no statement
Deliver SuppliesMissionby Evan Lorentz (published on oC by Dyluk at Apr, 2008)no statement
OdoPersonnelby Todd Soper (published on oC by Dyluk at Apr, 2008)no statement
Barry WaddlePersonnelby Todd Soper (published on oC by Dyluk at Apr, 2008)no statement
WorfPersonnelby Todd Soper (published on oC by Dyluk at Apr, 2008)no statement
DarmokShipby Bill Martinson (published on oC by Dyluk at Apr, 2008)no statement
Repair Null Space CatapultMissionby Michel M. Albert (published on oC by Dyluk at Apr, 2008)no statement
Marla GilmorePersonnelby Joeri Hoste (published on oC by Dyluk at Apr, 2008)no statement
Geological SurveyMissionby Joeri Hoste (published on oC by Dyluk at Apr, 2008)no statement
Study Cometary CloudMissionby Joeri Hoste (published on oC by Dyluk at Apr, 2008)no statement
The TravelerPersonnelby Marcus Certa (aka "The Traveler") (published on oC by Dyluk at Apr, 2008)no statement
Dr. ReygaPersonnelby Kathy McCracken (published on oC by Dyluk at Apr, 2008)no statement
AmariePersonnelby Kathy McCracken (published on oC by Dyluk at Apr, 2008)no statement
Husnock OutpostFacilityby Bill Martinson (published on oC by Dyluk at Apr, 2008)no statement
Historical ResearchMissionby Kathy McCracken (published on oC by Dyluk at Mar, 2008)no statement
Tuvok, Coldly Logical SoldierPersonnelby Csont at Feb 16th, 2008no statement
First Anthology Rulesheet: Thomas Paris (Thomas Paris)Personnelby Decipher-Games at Jan 2nd, 2008no statement
First Anthology Rulesheet: Garak (Garak)Personnelby Decipher-Games at Jan 2nd, 2008no statement
Blaze of Glory Rules Supplement: Madred (Madred)Personnelby Decipher-Games at Jan 2nd, 2008no statement
Voyager Rules Supplement: Seven of Nine (Seven of Nine)Personnelby Decipher-Games at Jan 2nd, 2008no statement
Alternate Universe Rulesheet: Tama (Tama)Shipby Decipher-Games at Jan 2nd, 2008no statement
The Borg Rules Supplement: Equinox Doctor (Equinox Doctor)Personnelby Decipher-Games at Jan 2nd, 2008no statement
Alternate Universe Rulesheet: Gomtuu (Gomtuu)Shipby Decipher-Games at Jan 2nd, 2008no statement
The Borg Rules Supplement: The Artificial Intelligence (The Artificial Intelligence)Personnelby Decipher-Games at Jan 2nd, 2008no statement
Alternate Universe Rulesheet: Qualor II Rendezvous (Qualor II Rendezvous)Missionby Decipher-Games at Jan 2nd, 2008no statement
Fajo Collection Rules Supplement: Dr. Soong (Dr. Soong)Personnelby Decipher-Games at Jan 1st, 2008no statement
Fajo Collection Rules Supplement: Kivas Fajo (Kivas Fajo)Personnelby Decipher-Games at Jan 1st, 2008no statement
Fajo Collection Rules Supplement: Lore (Lore)Personnelby Decipher-Games at Jan 1st, 2008no statement
Fajo Collection Rules Supplement: Tallera (Tallera)Personnelby Decipher-Games at Jan 1st, 2008no statement
RR #2: Samaritan Snare (Samaritan Snare)Missionby Kathy McCracken (published on oC by at Jan, 2007)no statement
RR #7: Galen (Galen)Personnelby Kathy McCracken (published on oC by at Jan, 2007)no statement
RR #21: Garak (Garak)Personnelby Kathy McCracken (published on oC by at Jan, 2007)no statement
RR #24: Thomas Paris & Nick Locarno (Nick Locarno)Personnelby Kathy McCracken (published on oC by at Jan, 2007)no statement
RR #24: Thomas Paris & Nick Locarno (Thomas Paris)Personnelby Kathy McCracken (published on oC by at Jan, 2007)no statement
RR #30: Tallera (Tallera)Personnelby Kathy McCracken (published on oC by at Jan, 2007)no statement
RR #33: Lore (Lore)Personnelby Kathy McCracken (published on oC by at Jan, 2007)no statement
Mr. GarakPersonnelby Michel M. Albert (published on oC by at Dec, 2001)no statement
FalconPersonnelby Michel M. Albert (published on oC by at Dec, 2001)no statement
Secret Agent Julian BashirPersonnelby Michel M. Albert (published on oC by at Dec, 2001)no statement
DuchampsPersonnelby Michel M. Albert (published on oC by at Dec, 2001)no statement
Anastasia KomananovPersonnelby Michel M. Albert (published on oC by at Dec, 2001)no statement
ArturisPersonnelby Kim and Allen Gould (published on oC by Telak at Dec, 2001)no statement
Professor Honey BarePersonnelby Michel M. Albert (published on oC by at Dec, 2001)no statement
OnePersonnelby Kim and Allen Gould (published on oC by at Aug, 2001)no statement
Magistrate DrangPersonnelby Chris Heard (published on oC by at May, 2001)no statement
PenkPersonnelby Michel M. Albert (published on oC by at May, 2001)no statement
Study Interstellar ColonyMissionby Sean O'Reilly (published on oC by at May, 2001)no statement
Restore VictimsMissionby Kim and Allen Gould (published on oC by at May, 2001)no statement
Inversion MysteryMissionby Kim and Allen Gould (published on oC by at May, 2001)no statement
ChakotayPersonnelby Chris Heard (published on oC by at May, 2001)no statement
AyalaPersonnelby Kim and Allen Gould (published on oC by Telak at May, 2001)no statement
TanisPersonnelby Chris Heard (published on oC by at May, 2001)no statement
Ambush ShipMissionby Michel M. Albert (published on oC by at May, 2001)no statement
Answer Distress SignalMissionby Joeri Hoste (published on oC by at May, 2001)no statement
Research PhageMissionby Chris Heard (published on oC by at May, 2001)no statement
Restock SuppliesMissionby Michel M. Albert (published on oC by at May, 2001)no statement
KurrosPersonnelby Chris Heard (published on oC by at May, 2001)no statement
Assist CooperativeMissionby Chris Heard (published on oC by at May, 2001)no statement
Cure Deadly VirusMissionby Sean O'Reilly (published on oC by at May, 2001)no statement
Lon SuderPersonnelby Michel M. Albert (published on oC by at May, 2001)no statement
Revive SettlersMissionby Kate De Stephen (published on oC by at May, 2001)no statement
Salvage OperationMissionby Chris Heard (published on oC by at May, 2001)no statement
KesPersonnelby Chris Heard (published on oC by at Apr, 2001)no statement
Slingshots kleine Karten-Bewertungs-Post 4.4 (Prison Break) (Prison Break)Missionby Decipher-Games at Apr 26th, 2001no statement
Prison BreakMissionby Joeri Hoste (published on oC by at Apr, 2001)no statement
Slingshots kleine Karten-Bewertungs-Post 4.2 (Nekrit Supply Depot) (Nekrit Supply Depot)Facilityby Decipher-Games at Apr 25th, 2001no statement
Slingshots kleine Karten-Bewertungs-Post 3 (Neelix) (Neelix)Personnelby Decipher-Games at Apr 21st, 2001no statement
U.S.S. EquinoxShipby Evan Lorentz (published on oC by at Apr, 2001)no statement
Slingshots kleine Karten-Bewertungs-Post 2 (U.S.S. Equinox) (U.S.S. Equinox)Shipby Decipher-Games at Apr 20th, 2001no statement
LiberationMissionby Kim and Allen Gould (published on oC by at Apr, 2001)no statement
B'Elanna TorresPersonnelby Michel M. Albert (published on oC by at Apr, 2001)no statement
Slingshots kleine Karten-Bewertungs-Post (Liberation) (Liberation)Missionby Decipher-Games at Apr 19th, 2001no statement
Rudolph RansomPersonnelby Joeri Hoste (published on oC by at Apr, 2001)no statement
NeelixPersonnelby Kate De Stephen (published on oC by at Apr, 2001)no statement
Seven of NinePersonnelby Evan Lorentz (published on oC by at Apr, 2001)no statement
GortaPersonnelby Chris Heard (published on oC by at Mar, 2001)no statement
Wyatt EarpPersonnelby Kathy McCracken (published on oC by at Dec, 2000)no statement
BalokPersonnelby Michel M. Albert (published on oC by at Dec, 2000)no statement
FontainePersonnelby Michel M. Albert (published on oC by at Nov, 2000)no statement
Mr. SiskoPersonnelby Michel M. Albert (published on oC by at Nov, 2000)no statement
Professor SiskoPersonnelby Kate De Stephen (published on oC by at Nov, 2000)no statement
Beverly and WillPersonnelby Evan Lorentz (published on oC by at Sep, 2000)no statement
YintPersonnelby Allen Gould (published on oC by at Aug, 2000)no statement
ReginodPersonnelby Neil Kirby (published on oC by at Aug, 2000)no statement
GrebnedlogPersonnelby Todd Soper (published on oC by at Jul, 2000)no statement
MondorShipby Neil Kirby (published on oC by at Jul, 2000)no statement
Bothan VesselShipby Sean O'Reilly (published on oC by at May, 2000)no statement
Disrupt AllianceMissionby Sean O'Reilly (published on oC by at Apr, 2000)no statement
Mining SurveyMissionby Kathy McCracken (published on oC by at Jan, 1999)no statement
SotoPersonnelby Kathy McCracken (published on oC by at Jan, 1999)no statement
10 and 01Personnelby Kathy McCracken (published on oC by at Jan, 1999)no statement
AnyaPersonnelby Kathy McCracken (published on oC by at Jan, 1999)no statement
GarakPersonnelby Kathy McCracken (published on oC by at Jan, 1999)no statement
Aid FugitivesMissionby Evan Lorentz (published on oC by at Jul, 1998)no statement
SakonnaPersonnelby Evan Lorentz (published on oC by at Jul, 1998)no statement
Xepolite FreighterShipby Evan Lorentz (published on oC by at Jul, 1998)no statement
AltovarPersonnelby Kathy McCracken (published on oC by at Jul, 1998)no statement
Kathleen TonellPersonnelby Neil Kirby (published on oC by at Jan, 1998)no statement
PlanetMissionby Kathy McCracken (published on oC by at Jan, 1998)no statement