Place one atop Q's Tent side deck (up to 13 different cards) during seed phase. Q's Tent is now open and in play. OR Stock in deck and use as follows: Once per turn, play to take a card from tent into your hand, either your choice (discard doorway) or random selection (place doorway on top of your draw deck). Must show card to opponent. Draw no card this turn.
Characteristics: manipulate your hand.
Rule hint for this card
This card has an clarification:
This doorway requires you to choose a target card to take into your hand as part of initiating the card play. Announce the play of Q’s Tent (without naming a target card), look through your Q’s Tent side deck and choose a card, and show it to your opponent, who may then respond by nullifying the Q’s Tent or revealing a Computer Crash. See actions - step 1: initiation.
After you play this doorway, you may not draw any cards for the remainder of the turn. See card draw.
Taken form Glossary - Version 1.9.5.Card logging info: Logged by openCards team at May 1st, 2009.
Virtual card from Referee Reprints (by The Continuing Committee)
Image Source: The Next Generation - Hide and Q (Season 1 - Episode 10)
UCT-ID : ST1E 0 VR 1 (manufactor info on card: 1 V)
Print-Style : color (standard) / black border / non-foil
List of "reprints" for Q's Tent:
Log in OR create a new account to write a card review.Latest 5 Decks with this card (or with a reprint of this card):
- "Hirogen deck Worlds 2018" by Peter Hill
- "Amber MACO SF Worlds day 1" by Amber Van Breemen
- "The Doctor and his companions V2" by Steve Hartmann
- "A Deck I Copied and Made Shit" by Greg Dillon
- "Die Badlands werden fallen an Anemonen und Korallen" by KaiserK
To see all decks with this card click here.
Create your own Deck in the ST1E deck section!Because this is a virtual non-promo card, it's not listed in the Tradeplace.