ST2E Tournament - "Kassel Regional 2013" | openCards

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ST2E Tournament - "Kassel Regional 2013"

    This Tournament was announced and operated by openCards user Thomas Schneider (thsch) and was published first on "The Continuing Committee (".

    imageThis Tournament is part of the schedule for the Big-Event Regionals 2013.

    Results: (published by Telak)

    RankPlayerPointsAffiliationAdditional informationDecklist
    1DE Jaglom Shrek
    Back in Time 3.0
    21TNG iconimage
    2 Philipp Scholz
    Klingon Debate Club
    18Klingon iconFWimage
    3DE Goran
    Good Old Men
    18TOS iconFLimage
    4DE scotttenorman
    Borg 2
    17Borg iconSoS 89image
    5DE saki 223
    Infinite Loop
    17Relativity iconSoS 82image
    6DE HIstoriker
    DM 2013 Day 1
    17Dominion iconSoS 67image
    7DE thsch
    Manhattan's Finest
    15Starfleet iconFWimage
    8DE EzriForever
    No killing at all
    15DS9 iconFLimage
    9DE garetjax
    A Fascinating deck without Spock? Thats not Logical!
    14TOS iconNon-Aligned iconimage
    10DE Lord Hagen
    12VOY iconRelativity iconSoS 86image
    11DE cwlborg
    Homeless Exploration
    12VOY iconSoS 81image
    12DE Sandra
    For The Empire
    10Klingon iconimage
    13DE big7unknown icon
    14DE eberlems
    Nervdeck 1.5
    6Cardassian iconimage


    Date: Jun 29th, 2013
    Category: Regional Championship
    Format: Constructed (Standard)
    Level: Level 2 (Regionals and Nationals)
    Region: Gamma-03
    CVJM Kassel e.V. - Kassel (Germany)
    Location contact: none deposited
    Number of participants: 14
    Played Rounds: 6

    Tournament director

    TD: Telak (log in OR create a new account to write TD a private message)

    Invitation text

    Winner will receive a Bye for Sunday's German National Championship!
    Deck Lists are mandatory. Players are required to add their Deck Lists once the results are entered.