The Conditions of Ulaire Lemenya | openCards

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The Conditions of Ulaire Lemenya

    Gandalf icon Ringwraith icon

    This Deck was build by Hayden-William Courtland and was published first on "Lord of the Rings Online (".

    The Conditions of Ulaire Lemenya

    Deck listing:

    Adventure path:

    Fangorn Forest (4 U 332)
    Golden Hall (4 U 338)
    Hornburg Armory (4 U 354)
    Hornburg Courtyard (4 U 350)
    Hornburg Wall (5 U 118)
    Palantír Chamber (4 U 363)
    The Riddermark (4 U 328)
    White Rocks (4 U 346)
    Wizard's Vale (4 U 359)

    Starting fellowship:

    Draw deck - "free" cards (39):
    Gandalf Ally (3):
    Albert Dreary, Entertainer From Bree (1 R 69)
    Barliman Butterbur,Prancing Pony Proprietor (1 U 70)
    Treebeard, Earthborn (4 R 103)
    Gandalf Artifact (1):
    Gandalf's Staff, Walking Stick (4 R 91)
    Gandalf Companion (4):
    Birchseed, Tall Statesman (5 U 15)
    Forest Guardian (5 C 17)
    Gandalf, The White Wizard (4 C 90)
    Lindenroot, Elder Shepherd (5 R 19)
    Gandalf Condition (1):
    Betrayal of Isengard (3 R 29)
    Gandalf Event (11):
    A Wizard Is Never Late (1 R 87)
    Down From the Hills (5 R 16)
    Mysterious Wizard (1 C 78)
    Roll of Thunder (4 U 99)
    Under the Living Earth (4 C 105)
    Gandalf Possession (1):
    Shadowfax (4 R 100)
    Gondor Companion (2):
    Aragorn, Wingfoot (4 P 364)
    Gondor Event (4):
    Defend It and Hope (4 C 115)
    Gondor Possession (3):
    Armor (1 C 92)
    Ranger's Sword (1 U 112)
    Shire Companion (4):
    Merry, Learned Guide (4 C 310)
    Pippin, Woolly-footed Rascal (4 C 314)
    Shire Condition (2):
    Escape (4 R 300)
    Shire Event (2):
    Knocked on the Head (4 C 308)
    Shire Possession (1):
    Hobbit Sword (1 C 299)

    There are no "shadow" cards in this draw deck.

    Hints & strategie notes for this Deck

    Every now and then I like to sift through the sets of Decipher's The Lord of the Rings TCG and look for a new deck archetype based on a card that seldom sees play. Now, I don't pretend that these new creations will be powerhouses in the tournament circuit, but hey, people still play for fun right? Recently I ran across and old friend in the Nazgul culture, Ulaire Lemenya. Lemenya has been a particular favorite of mine as most players viewed him as the black sheep of the Nazgul. It's true, Lemenya has issues. For one, he has only 9 strength and 2 vitality. Then, of course, there's the little fact that he's not Fierce. But do not weep for him! For he is not without brothers and possesses a few tricks of his own.

    Ulaire Lemenya's ability is to make every companion and ally who bears a Nazgul condition strength -2. Note that he does this as long as he's in play and regardless of whether he's assigned to a skirmish or not. Currently there are three Nazgul conditions that can be transferred to fellowship characters. First, there is Black Breath which prevents wounds and burdens from being removed from its bearer. Blade Tip is another powerful condition which wounds its bearer at the start of each turn. Finally, there is Helpless, which plays on Sam so long as you can spot Frodo and a Nazgul. All three of these conditions are useful in their own right but become even more worthwhile when Lemenya is in play.

    Although one could make a deck with Lemenya, Nazgul conditions, and a mix of other, stronger Nazgul with support cards, lets support Lemenya and his conditions in combination with other shadow conditions first. For this, we turn to the Isengard culture and enlist cards like Banished (exerts bearer every time another companion or ally loses a skirmish), Leechcraft (special abilities in bearer's game text may not be used), Rohan is Mine (exerts every ally when bearer is assigned to a skirmish), and Wounded (exerts bearer when played and prevents wounds from being removed while attached). Now, these conditions don't count for Lemenya's strength -2 ability, but they do have solid abilities of their own and count towards the total number of conditions in play on companions. This is important for use with Grima, Wormtongue, who has the potential to seriously debilitate your opponent's unbound fellowship with his maneuver ability that sends free peoples cards back to your opponent's hand, but allows your shadow conditions to remain. The rest of the minion side can be filled out with your stronger Nazgul and, by adding several copies of Tower of Orthanc, the hurt of the conditions will simultaneously build pool for your Nazgul.