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Make It So

    Make It So

    Incident Incident

    Seeds or plays on table. Once each turn, if your staffed ship has its matching commander aboard, you may "unstop" it (once per game per Ship card title) OR download Ready Room Door (to download a Captain's Order) OR, if that ship is in battle (even during opponent's turn), download a Tactic card (once per game per Tactic card title). Discard incident after use, unless that matching commander has Enterprise E icon.

    Requires: "Captain's Order"related cards, Enterprise E Enterprise E, matching commander.

    Rule hint for this card

    This card has an clarification:

    This incident does not restore a ship’s RANGE when it “unstops” the ship and crew.

    Taken form Glossary - Version 1.9.5.

    Card logging info: Logged by openCards team at May 1st, 2009.

    Make It So

    This Card-Review article was written by openCards user Dukat at Jan 19th, 2009.


    Anyone who has seen the movies beginning with "Generations" or Next Generation itself knows the three of Picard's magical words: "Make it So". Since the First Edition (far more than the Second Edition) tries to wrap up the player in a feeling of real Star Trek flavor, Make It So reflects a part of that feeling.


    The card itself:

    Make It So is an incident which can be seeded or played on table. It can also be downloaded by Jean-Luc Picard (First Contact).
    The card offers three actions (requiring a staffed ship with its matching commander aboard):
    - unstop a ship
    - download Ready Room Door to download a Captain's Order card
    - download a specific tactic card while in battle

    The card is discarded after use (unless the matching commander has the special Enterprise-E staffing icon from First Contact).



    Dominion in any quadrant

    In turn 1, a VR Headset, a Vorta and a Dominion Battleship (TwT) is needed. If a Vorta and a VR Headset are present together on the ship, the Vorta serves as matching commander and downloads Ready Room Door to download Crew Reassignment. Ready Room Door can be placed on Crew Reassignment to prevent nullification.
    From now on, Jem'Hadar can report directly on the Battleship due to the Ketracel-White icon on both cards - personnel and ship.
    Since the Battleship is hard to destroy, the troops are well-protected.

    Additional hints:
    The fastest way to get all the neccessary cards in turn one is as following.
    A Primary Supply Depot should be seeded with a Spacedoor and a VR Headset; Deyos should be downloaded using Defend Homeworld. As a normal card play, the Dominion Battleship should be downloaded using Spacedoor.


    Weak Spot(s):
    Computer Crash could sabotage the use of Make It So.


    Tactics to compensate any Weak Spot(s):

    Quark's Isolinear Rods should be seeded. After downloading the appropriate cards, QIR should be discarded to download a Computer Skill x2 Personnel, preferentially Lamat'Ukan who boosts the Battleship up in the following turn.