Bareil Antos, Escort | openCards

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Bareil Antos, Escort

    (4) • Bareil Antos, Escort

    Bajoran Bajoran icon Personnel Personnel of Bajoran species.
    Red Dot Anthropology   Red Dot Diplomacy   Red Dot 2 Honor  
    Red Dot Leadership   Red Dot Security  
    Order - Stop this personnnel to reveal a Vedek or Kai personnel from your hand. You may discard cards from the top of your deck equal to that personnel's cost to place that personnel at your mission where he or she could be played.

    Characteristics: "relocate" personnel cards - place from hand into play, Bajoran affiliation, manipulate your deck, Vedek, personnel who has a cost of 3 or more, personnel who has a cost of 4 or more, Bajoran species.
    Requires: Kai, Vedek.

    Card logging info: Logged by openCards team at Jan 1st, 2008.

    Bareil Antos, Escort

    This Card-Review article was written by Will Hawkins and was published first on "Decipher's Website (" at Aug 31st, 2006.

    I know what you are thinking. What could this new Bareil do that would be better than Bareil Antos, Esteemed Vedekimage? Well, being able to play a five cost personnel for free is a good start. Well almost free, as you will still have to discard five cards from the top of your deck. His stats are what you would expect at eight integrity, six cunning, and five strength. He has the skills you would expect from a religious leader such as Anthropology, Diplomacy, Honor, and Leadership. Don't forget he also has Security, which gives him skills that help out with both sets of requirements on Deliver Evidenceimage.

    This Bareil allows you to play a Vedek or Kai from your hand by discarding cards from the top of your deck equal to his or her cost. If you are playing the Bajoran affiliation then you will have no problem utilizing cards in your discard pile. If you are anything like me you look at Bareil and think: "Sure, he adds skills to a mission, but you can cover his skills with personnel who have a lower cost."  The real draw in playing this version of Bareil is the fact that he sets up some of the other Bajoran affiliation cards. Consider Dukat, Anjohl Tennanimage, who feeds off of Anthropology and Leadership personnel in the discard pile, gaining one to his attributes until the end of the mission. Additionally, Dukat provides the rarely held skill of Archaeology to solving Deliver Evidence. Then there is Jaro Essa, Leader of the Circleimage, who can gain one skill off a personnel in the discard pile while facing a dilemma. Contemplate how much easier it will be to meet the ten cards in the discard pile requirement on Lenaris Holem, Bold Veteranimage. All of these cards need something in the discard pile to make it work. Now with Bareil you can put more than just Sisko's once a turn discard when you play someone.

    On the flip side, if you do not want all of those cards in the discard pile, then Ranjen Koral, Student of B'halaimage, Souls of the Deadimage, and The Text of the Kosst Amojen can retrieve them for you, thus making the prospect of playing Bareil much less of a risk. Bareil could act like a poor man's At What Cost?image, allowing you to only stop him and lose cards from the top to play your Vedeks and Kais for free. Bariel gives you an early card advantage and provides fuel in your discard pile for your cheaters. Couple Bareil with Borum, Selfless Heroimage's ability to bring in discarded high cost Leadership personnel and you have a very fast deck.